Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year from San Francisco!

Shepherd has been recovering quickly. He has been bottle feeding 2 ounces every two to three hours. This is better than the doctors and nurses expected; it is the rate a normal healthy newborn typically eats. The nursing staff suggested the drain tubes may be taken out as soon as tomorrow. Once the tubes are taken out, Mom and Dad will be able to hold their son again, he will also be able to breastfeed.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, 2010 is already starting to be a great year!


  1. That is fantastic news! I hope those tubes are able to be removed tomorrow. You sure do have a strong baby boy!

  2. We are so happy for you guys. We can't wait to see you and meet your beautiful baby boy!! Much love to you all.

  3. Wonderful news !!! We are so happy to read Shepherd is doing well, happy new year to the three of you, you are in our thoughts constantly, all of our love, JJJJ
